- A. Rey Pamatmat
- Abe
- Aidan Pierce Brennan
- Angela Brewster
- Asher Miles Fallica
- Ashleigh Cummings
- Ashley Romans
- Aunt Carrie's
- Bad Mother
- Bats
- Beth Petrou
- Bing Partridge
- Bing Partridge/Season 1
- Bing Partridge/Season 2
- Bradley
- Brenda Wehle
- Brendan Meehan
- Brewster House
- Bruce Wayne McQueen
- Cassie Manx
- Celeste Arias
- Charlie's 1938 Rolls-Royce Wraith
- Charlie Manx
- Charlie Manx/Season 1
- Charlie Manx/Season 2
- Chris McKinney
- Chris McQueen
- Chris McQueen/Season 1
- Chris McQueen/Season 2
- Chris McQueen (episode)
- Christmasland
- Craig Harrison
- Craig William Macneill
- Cripple Creek
- Dalton Harrod
- Daniel Moore
- Darby Camp
- David Grimm
- Drew Butler
- Ebon Moss-Bachrach
- Elizabeth Stanley
- Fanny Manx
- Gary Wilmes
- Good Father
- Graveyard of What Might Be
- Gunbarrel
- Gunbarrel (location)
- Haley Smith
- Hanelle Culpepper
- Haverhill
- Here
- Here County Sheriff Department
- Horace Haber
- Inscape
- Jahkara Smith
- Jami O'Brien
- Jamie Neumann
- Jason David
- Jeremy Webb
- Jim Norton
- Joe Bly
- Joe Hill
- John James Cronin
- John Shiban
- Jolene's Roller Skates
- Jolene's Wheelchair
- Jolene July
- Jonathan's Hourglass
- Jonathan Beckett
- Jonathan Langdon
- Jones House
- Judith Miller
- Judith Roberts
- Karen Pittman
- Kari Skogland
- Kevin Fennessy
- Kim Director
- Knife
- Lake Winnipesaukee
- Lauren Corrao
- Linda McQueen
- Linda McQueen/Season 1
- Linda McQueen/Season 2
- Lou Carmody
- Lou Carmody/Season 1
- Lou Carmody/Season 2
- Loy A. Webb
- Lucy Thurber
- Maggie's Scrabble Tiles
- Maggie Leigh
- Maggie Leigh/Season 1
- Maggie Leigh/Season 2
- Mattea Conforti
- McQueen House
- Megan Mostyn-Brown
- Michael Tow
- Mike Demeter
- Millie Manx
- Millie Manx/Season 1
- Millie Manx/Season 2
- Morgan Lindholm
- Mr. Tim
- Murphy Guyer
- NOS4A2 (Novel)
- NOS4A2 (TV Series)
- NOS4A2 Wiki
- Norm Lewis
- Olafur Darri Olafsson
- Old Snake
- Parnassus (bar)
- Parnassus (episode)
- Paul Demeter
- Paul Schneider
- Pierson Salvador
- Rarmian Newton
- Rebecca Gibel
- Reg Rogers
- Samantha Soule
- Scissors for the Drifter
- Season 1
- Season 1 Minor Characters
- Season 2
- Season 2 Minor Characters
- Sharon Smith
- Sleigh House (episode)
- Sleigh House (residence)
- Smith House
- Stefan Schwartz
- Strong Creative
- Sweta Keswani
- Tabitha Hutter
- Tabitha Hutter/Season 1
- Tabitha Hutter/Season 2
- The Dark Tunnels (episode)
- The Dark Tunnels (inscape)
- The Empty Forest
- The Gas Mask Man (episode)
- The Graveyard of What Might Be (episode)
- The Hourglass (episode)
- The House of Sleep (episode)
- The House of Sleep (residence)
- The House of Sleep Two
- The Lake House
- The Night Road
- The Shorter Way (episode)
- The Shorter Way (inscape)
- The Wraith (episode)
- Thomas Brady
- Tiffany Jones
- Tim Guinee
- Tim Southam
- Tina Harrison
- Toa Fraser
- Tom Savini
- Tricia Brock
- Vic's Motorbike
- Vic's Triumph
- Vic McQueen
- Vic McQueen/Season 1
- Vic McQueen/Season 2
- Victor Slezak
- Virginia Kull
- Walking Backwards Man
- Wayne McQueen
- Welcome to Christmasland
- Willa Brewster
- William White Memorial High School
- Zachary Quinto